2024: reflections on the moral obligations of being a better person
Last year when visiting my local library (something that I love to do), an intriguing book cover caught my attention. It had a bright yellow cover with an interesting title: How to Be Perfect: The Correct Moral Answer to Every Question, from Michael Schur.
I checked out to my account without any questioning. It explains the process Michael went through to produce one of my favorite TV shows: “The Good Place”....
Asking for Help Can Be Hard -- Here is How to Make it Easier
“I am having a hard time asking for help at my new job.”
After a couple of hours of being stuck, I sent that message to my friend, Caroline.
I shared how hard it was for me to be in a place surrounded by talented people. How I felt like I was not worthy of being there. I needed help but I didn’t want to show I needed help.
After all, if I were good enough, I should have known how to solve the problem!...
Why you don't need to feel confident to be successful
Nothing kills confidence more than waiting to feel confident to do something.
You will be waiting forever. Attention and Determination is what you need to achieve your goals – no matter how scary they are.
Learning about the power of Attention and Determination made me fall in love with this series about achievement orientation from the First Person Plural podcast. It’s one of my favorite podcasts (after hexdevs, of course ;)....
Imposter Syndrome? You're doing better than you think.
Hi, welcome! The posts under “/notes” are just that: notes about things I’ve read or watched. I used to just write them for myself. I figured sharing them is more helpful than keeping them just to myself. Enjoy!
Sharing a few notes about Imposter Syndrome based on the work of Dr. Vanessa Bohns and Dr. Randy Patterson.
The Science of Influence I finished watching this interview with Dr....
8 exercises to build confidence in yourself
I believed I had to be born confident, and I wasn’t, so why keep trying? How happy I am to have been wrong about that!
This post offers exercises from the book “The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance - What Women Should Know” and from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
Start practicing these 8 key activities and see how you feel a few weeks from now.
Ready? 🚀
Exercises to build self-confidence When in doubt, ACT....